Party Animal Tesla
Written by Julia H (Author Bio)Today was my sister's engagement party, so we blew up a bunch of balloons. We thought Tesla would be scared but she wasn't.. She head tilted when we were blowing them up though because the machine was really loud. It was hella cute ♥ Since she seemed chill with everything, we had her go into the room full of balloons and had a small photoshoot. It was cute when she would boop the balloons with her nose tooooo
Aside from this cute photoshoot tesla also got spoiled with hooman food.
we had roasted pig and a bunch of other stuff and she kept sitting across
from people like look at me im so good and i just happen to really like pork
who can resist right... oh tesla you are so lucky you are cute.. she also got
a hold of some garlic bread by jumping up to the table smh... i got really worried
but she didnt get sick or anything.. she just got sick of her kibble heheh who wouldnt
the end