Chrimuh Tesla
Written by Julia H (Author Bio)Today was our first christmas photoshoot. I got her these accessories last year- our first christmas together, but I forgot to pack them so i left it at my apartment. oooooops.. So it was one thing trying to get her to keep her hat on, but we also couldn't get her to focus. Hence we discovered her fondness for coasters.. we just had some lying around so we tried getting her attention with them and it worked unbelievably well. she got tired so we ended up getting some pretty good derp photos too.. anyway look at this adorable lil one ♥
I didn't get Tesla on Christmas, but she's actually the best gift in my life. She's a problem child but also my lifesaver haha ♥ ♥ In honor of this dumbbutt, a quote:
People seem able to love their dogs with an unabashed acceptance that they rarely demonstrate with family or friends. The dogs do not disappoint them, or if they do, the owners manage to forget about it quickly. I want to learn to love like this, the way we love our dogs, with pride and enthusiasm and a complete amnesia for faults. In short, to love others the way our dogs love us. When a dog devotes so much of herself to your happiness, it only stands to reason you would want to make that dog happy in return. Things that would seem unreasonably extravagant for yourself are nothing less than a necessity for your dog.
the end