Cute dog with tongue sticking out a little

Hi welcome! This is my website to show people how to take care of my doggo and other various things about her. This is what she looks like most of the time =) Her name is Tesla and she is the perfect amount of idiot and adorable uwu. However, she is also a lil poop....... She is extremely food motivated so people think she's smart (but she really just wants you to give her food)

Tesla is a Keeshond- that's a Spitz kind of doggo. Spitz means they look kinda wolfy and have pointy ears and a curly tail. They can be fluffy or not. Other spitz dogs include Shibas, Samoyeds, Pomeranians, Japanese Spitz dogs, and American Eskimo Dogs. I wanted a Keeshond because they're good with large families (like my extended family and also my dance family) and they're smart but not too bratty/ too much of a intellectual butt. also they're hella cute......

Tesla used to be a show dog in Texas, but her first owner returned her to her breeder. Her parents were champions (i dont actually know what that means but it's a big deal). Unfortunately her teeth grew in weird so her bottom teeth were crooked and she has kind of an underbite. I was looking for a dog at this time and got lucky with timing. I got Tesla from her breeder just within the week she got back to California, so CLEARLY WE WERE MEANT TO BEEeeEEEE ♥

tesla with balloons

Party Animal Tesla

This is a little story about how tesla likes balloons. it's an adorable post dedicated to the time tesla overcame her inital fear and you'll see cute pics uwu♥
sad tesla

A Series of Unfortunate Teslas

This is a little story about how tesla becomes petty tesla. its got a series of photos and features a sad tesla being sad... by reading you can see her true colors...
xmas doggo

Chrimuh Tesla

This is a little story about how to take christmas doggo pics. its got a quote about dogs and photos of tesla being cute... it is so cute just trust me and click!!
This paragraph is extra for aesthetic reasons so I'll just use it to list things Tesla likes:
  • rice
  • eggs
  • ice
  • watermelon slushies
  • pizza
  • air conditioning vents
  • naps
  • rice balls
  • hundred dolla bills
  • rock paper scissors
  • crinkly noises
  • running downstairs
  • bigbig dogs
  • shredding wrapping paper
  • cold floors
  • me
  • maybe you???
  • peeing on josh's and patrick's floors
  • nihongo
  • all treats
  • adidas
  • most people
  • justice ^u^
  • when people run up to her really excitedly
tesla being awkard on a staircase
whos that pokemon its tesla