colorful sky with title tesla: boots wit da furrr
Daily Schedule
Feeding & Water
Bathroom Time
Home Alone
Other Maintenance

Tesla D06 2017 Model Manual

Written by Julia H (Author Bio)

Daily Schedule

The Gist:

  • wake up
  • you eat (breakfast)
  • tesla eats
  • potty time
  • downtime
  • potty time
  • you eat (dinner)
  • tesla eats
  • downtime
  • last potty time
  • bedtime! ♥

The Specifics:

  • wake up
  • you eat (breakfast)
  • tesla eats: 3/4 cup
  • potty time: pee & poo
  • downtime: chew/play/train/nap + can have water
  • potty time: just pee usually; if she was really active she might poop again
  • you eat (dinner)
  • tesla eats: 2/3 cup
  • downtime: chew/play/train/nap + water until 1 hr before bedtime
  • last potty time: pee & poo + wipe her down
  • bedtime! ♥: sleeps in crate w/o collar and w/ a stuffie

*Tesla is very adaptable so the exact times don't really matter as much as the relative durations/time~

Feeding & Water


Water should always be available EXCEPT at night. Since she’s not housetrained (still has accidents inside), I usually keep her and her water bowl in the same room as me to keep an eye on her. WHAT GOES IN MUST COME OUT. If Tesla drinks a lot of water really fast, she will have to pee soon after. Pay attention so you can give her potty breaks as necessary ☺

Do not let Tesla have any water (or food) within 1 hour of bedtime.

*Rule of thumb: A dog should drink 1-1.5 oz of water per pound they are; Tesla is about 30 lbs, so she should have about 30-45 oz of water per day.


Remember, Tesla must eat AFTER the hoomans eat, so she knows she’s not the boss. Moreover, while the hoomans are eating, she should be restrained aka tied up.
How to feed her: Measure out her food and put water in the bowl AND MAKE HER SIT FOR IT. Then, play the elevator game. (See bottom of this section!) She has 10 minutes from the time you say “okay” to finish, but it should really only take her a few minutes to eat. If she doesn’t finish after 10 minutes, take away her food bowl only. If she finishes, give her dessert. Either way wait ~20 minutes for her to finish.

  • Morning: 3/4 cup (yellow measuring cup)
  • Lunch: NO
  • Dinner: 2/3 cup (orange measuring cup)
  • Dessert: if she finishes all her food, I give her a treat to motivate her to finish her food every time. PLUS, if she finishes all her dinner, I give her a toothbrush treat.

Tip: If she doesn’t eat after the first couple minutes, kick/ put a bit of her kibble on the floor. Sometimes, she just doesn’t like her food bowl… If she doesn’t finish her dinner, give her the toothbrush after you an hour or so. She needs it so her breath isn’t smelly.

Currently she's eating Orijen Original kibble and Greenie's toothbrushes. Here's links and pictures in case you need to buy more!

dog food image
Orijen Original Dry Dog food
dog toothbrushes image
Greenie's Dental Treats

The Elevator Game

When you feed her meals, she should wait until you put the bowls down AND say “okay.” Before you lower the bowls, she should be sitting. If she pokes her head in or starts to get up for the food before the bowls are on the floor or before you’ve said “okay,” then pick it up and raise it out of her reach. Make her sit again, and then slowly lower the bowls again to the floor, raising it again if she doesn’t wait properly. I typically wait a second or something after I put the bowls down to say okay. You can do this exercise with treats and toys too!

Bathroom Time

If you take her out to pee/poop, but she doesn’t, then just be more cautious of her habits after you come back inside. If she starts circling the floor or whining or looking at you unusually intently that usually means she needs to go outside. I also think if she sniffs the bottom of the sliding door, it’s like she’s looking for a way to go outside.
It’s important to differentiate play time and potty time. If she doesn’t go potty after a while after exhibiting I-wanna-go-outside behaviors, then bring her in, so she had her chance but doesn’t get her way (in terms of having extra outside-playtime).

A. During downtime

Take her out as necessary, based on how much water you’ve given her/seen her drink.

B. After meals

After her meal, wait 20-30 minutes and then take her out to go potty. She should pee AND poop after her meals, but if she doesn’t poop after her dinner, it’s okay- she can still poop before bedtime. Tip: Running around a bit helps her poop ☺

C. Before bedtime

Take her out before you go to sleep and then give her a nice wipe-down (fur, paws, peepee and poopoo/booty)
See cleaning section for if she has an accident in the house/car/whatever.


A. Training

If you train tricks or anything with treats, you lose your alpha status ☹ Use treats for playtime and dessert only. Instead, rewarding her is giving her a nice petting and talking to her soothingly.

  • Okay: gives permission to eat/get out of car/ come out of room/ stop sitting or laying down/ etc.
  • Come here: only for funtimes and happiness
  • Let's go: strict come here, for any time
  • Don't lead: for during walks
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Roll over
  • Go potty: for pee and poo
  • No go potty: for housetraining/scolding
  • Go in: make her go into a car/ room/ space/ etc
  • Wait
  • Go to bed: go into her crate
  • Quiet: for when she's whining/howling/barking
  • Paw: left paw
  • Other paw: right paw
  • High five
  • Other high five
  • Say hi
  • Eat your food
  • Don't Scratch
  • Bring it
  • Leave it
  • Stay still: for durring grooming
  • Kitanai (kee-tah-nah-ee): stop her from rolling and rubbing her face into grass or dirt (translates to dirty lol)

*note: Consistency is key when using commands. For example, I always tell her “don’t scratch,” so if you say “no scratching” she won’t know what that means.

B. Playing!!~

With toys:

  • Fetch (good luck with that lol)
  • Bird/Ice cream stick (cat toys)
  • Whatever man idk

With treats:

  • Hide them around a room while she’s waiting somewhere and then say “okay” for her to go find them.
  • Put them in the planet-looking dog toy that has a whole. Just make sure they’re small enough to come out, but there’s a bigger piece in there that makes everything a little harder. Also be sure to switch out the treats in there every couple days, so she’s not eating old, stale treats.


  • Use the pink leash and run around. If you want to bring toys out, the hard rubbery ones are preferable, so the plush ones don’t get dirty.
  • Use a leash, because she can dig and escape ☹ or just fit under small spaces ☹
  • Also beware of bugs and dirty doggo ☹ she also habits allergies so being outside for too long actually isnt best for her

Ditching Doggo

DO NOT LEAVE HER UNSUPERVISED IN HER PRONG (metal) COLLAR!!! It's dangerous because it could get snagged on things and make her life so hard for until you get back. It wouldn't choke her or anything like that because it has gaps, but ITS STILL DANGEROUS DONT DO ET.

Use the blue one- it still tightens if she pulls on her leash, but it leaves some space, and can’t get caught on anything like her other collar can.

Always keep the red kong toy prepared, in case you need to go somewhere. If you leave her in her crate, also be sure to leave a couple toys and at least 1 thing for her to chew on (a bone/chew treat). Also leave her red kong toy (more on that later.) If you’re not going to leave her in her crate, find somewhere open and weigh her down with something you can clean if she pees on it. She’s somewhat of an escape artist, so something heavy like a table is good, but she might make a big mess ☹ Also shes so strong wth

Preparing the Kong

  1. Fill the toy with kibble
  2. Run water through the kibble, shake the toy, and really make sure all the kibble is really soaked
  3. Push the kibble down, so it becomes compressed and kind of mushy
  4. Fill the toy to the top with the Kong filling (kong filler that looks like that ez cheese thing- picture below)
  5. Stick a treat in the filling on top
  6. If possible, freeze it so its more of a challenge/takes longer for her to eat

The toy should distract her for a bit- it usually lets you leave her alone without her barking or whining ☺ but she finishes it in like 5 minutes so leave fast lol

Kong: kong toy Filler: kong filler spray

Cleaning up accidents

  1. Lead Tesla to her accident
  2. Point her face to it (dont let it touch tho)
  3. Scold her
  4. Take her out to pee
  5. If she pee, praise her a loooooot
  6. Put her somewhere she won’t see you cleaning
  7. Clean up with a generous amount of enzyme cleaner/ move poop to usual poop spot and then clean


Make sure she hasn’t had water in the last hour. Take her out to pee/poop one last time. Use 1-2/as many as necessary wipes to clean her fur and paws and peepee and pooopoo. That way she’s clean and ready for morning hugs. Tell Tesla to go to bed (in her crate) and once she’s in, take off her collar. Then just lock her up with a plush or rope toy for the night. If she whines right away, tell her "quiet." If she whines in the middle of the night, she might need to go outside.

Other maintenance

Give her a greenie's toothbrush treat once a day at a consistent time
Dremmel (grind) her nails every 2-3 weeks
Brush her every 1-2 weeks or whenever you want. Trim hairs between her paws when they get too long. (You can tell because she slips on the hardwood more haha)
You only really need to bathe her if she smells or pees herself, but my rule of thumb is every 8-10 weeks.
Give her flea medicine (Nexguard beef treat) on the first of every month! If she gets fleas you can bathe her with her shampoo mixed with a little dawn soap and then comb her to help treat it. (and then treat all the contaminated things......)


cute girl riding cute dog gif